Tips for starting Karate when you’re older
Here at Stapleton Family Karate we know that Karate can be enjoyed at any age. That’s why we offer classes for individuals 4-99 years of age! If you are considering taking up a Karate for Adults in Stapleton class at a more mature age, we have some tips that should help you to stay healthy and fit during your new endeavor into martial arts!
When you begin in Karate, you may need more rest to recover from training than your younger classmates. In your mind you may think you’re still in your 20’s, but you’re not. Unless you’ve spent your entire life as a professional athlete just before taking up martial arts you are going to feel it a little more! Don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t need more recovery. Ice is your friend and you may enjoy a weekly massage. Getting a Massage is a wonderful tool for older athletes who are still trying to push hard.
Along with more recovery you’re going to need to spend more time looking after yourself. To make sure that you’re up for the challenge of Karate training, you will need to spend about the same amount of time if not more working on your physical self as you do on your combat skills. Some of this time will need to be spent on strength training and some on improving your flexibility. Don’t be the old guy in a Karate class who can’t kick above his waist .
Not all of your training needs to be hard. I know it seems counterintuitive, especially when you start to think that you’ve already lost years of time to all those younger guys around you, but if you start going all out all the time you’re going to quickly get hurt. Karate is a lifelong journey, not a sprint for the next two months. Display the kind of maturity you’re supposed to have and accept that you are in this for the long haul.